Alien:Covenant 结局很明显,会有续集,应该失去契约号原本想去的行星。我想,造出David的科学家是多么失败,造了个这么怪物,程序没编号吗?把David的程序编成了把人类以及所有生物赶紧杀绝?机器人怎么会发展成自主意识?如果变成自主意识那就不叫机器人了、应该是生化危机里的那种人造人,克隆人,这样才能说得过去,一个机...
Bound for a remote planet on the far side of the galaxy, the crew of the colony ship Covenant discovers what they think is an uncharted paradise, but is actually a dark, dangerous world — whose sole inhabitant is the "synthetic" David (Michael Fassbende
来源 我也想找配图,可我根本没有资源啊 根本好多漏洞。 写在前面,凭借情怀打高分或者无论什么原因的,我觉得这影片有问题 差 没质问你为什么给高分,同时也就希望你不要质问我为什么给低分和觉得差。而且我在单纯的从逻辑上说问题,就是简简单单的逻辑。坚决否认一切鸡蛋里挑骨头的说法。
WhenH.R. Gigerdesigned the original creature forAlien, it was both elegant and terrifying. Although Jason Voorhees is my favorite killer in slasher films, theAlienxenomorphs and their various incarnations are my favorite movie monsters.Alien: Covenantdoes not disappoint with the new twists that it...
Alien: CovenantMovie Learn More 5.0 I just love the movie. I have been watching it continously for the the last one year almost 50 to 60 times. Michael fassbender was just awesome in the movie. The music was just haunting. The ending was spine chilling. I honestly hope they make the ...
Vote for the best Alien: Covenant movie quotes! Alien: Covenant movie quotes help tell the story in the film about a group of colonists who find themselves on a strange planet with eerie dangers. The science fiction horror movie was directed by Ridley Scott using a screenplay by John Logan ...
Alien: Covenantis an intriguing evolution of the Alien mythology.On May 4th, 2017 I was invited by 20thCentury Fox to attend the world premiere of Ridley Scott’sAlien: Covenantin London, England. The following is my personal review which does contain spoilers. If you have yet to seeCovenant...
On May 4th, I attended the world premiere of Alien: Covenant. Tonight, I have published my official review of the film, covering everything from the f...
Scott has said there will be another movie continuing the story. He should heed the words of Walter in this film: “When one note is off, it eventually destroys the whole symphony.” Alien: Covenant is one note. And it’s way off. ...
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