Primarily a "civilian" race, they are committed to upholding the peaceful, democratic values of their forebears. The Maximals are generally led by a successor of Optimus Prime known as Optimus Primal. All this said, Maximals are not perfect as they still have their jerks. Additionally, ...
Battle(16) Battleships(8) Beach(1) Bear(116) Beast(38) Beat 'em Up(37) Beat Em Up(434) Bee(71) Bejeweled(15) Bejewelled(1) Ben 10(16) Bicycle(63) Bike(151) Bike Mania(1) Bike Racing(9) Bike-racing(1) Billiards(38)
['bear', 'bears', 'mouse', 'mice', 'rat', 'rats', 'horse', 'horses', 'monkey', 'monkeys', 'ape', 'apes', 'goat', 'goats', 'deer'] Insect-like ['insect', 'insects', 'bug', 'bugs', 'ant', 'ants', 'bee', 'bees', 'spider', 'spiders', 'butterfly', 'bu...
terrestrialcrossbeari terri fletcher terrible suffering terribles terribly terridesio terrific and tops terrified reaction terrin model territorial air territorial authority territorial framework territorial inviolabi territorial water territory design and territory development terror en silencio terror on alcatraz...
(Let Me Be Your) Teddy Bear 20 Days N 20 Nights A Boy Like Me A Girl Like You A Fool Such As I A Little Bit Of Green A Little Less Conversation A Mess Of Blues A Thing Called Love A World Of Our Own Adam And Evil After Loving You Ain't That Lovin You All I Needed Was ...