Alice Roosevelt LongworthAlice Roosevelt Longworth attending the opening ceremonies of the Embassy Row Hotel, Washington, D.C., 1970. After her marriage she devoted less time to the social scene and more to politics. The Longworth house became a center of Republican conviviality, especially during ...
Edward Cuddihy
Related to Longworth Alice Roosevelt: Theodore Roosevelt, Eleanor RooseveltLong·worth (lông′wûrth′, lŏng′-), Alice Roosevelt 1884-1980. American socialite. The daughter of Theodore Roosevelt, she was a favorite subject of the press because of her active social life and her caustic wit...
Alice Roosevelt Longworth. Self: Launch of the Kaiser's Yacht 'Meteor'. Alice Lee Roosevelt was the daughter of Theodore Roosevelt, then a New York state assemblyman. Her mother died two days after her birth; Theodore remarried Edith Kermit Carow Rooseve
Alice Roosevelt Longworth 演员 关注 代表作 罗斯福家族百年史 粉丝 暂无 累计票房 暂无 介绍 身份 演员 作品 (1部) 2014年 罗斯福家族百年史 演员饰:Herself (archive footage)
Alice Roosevelt AP Alice Roosevelt Longworth looks over a bust of her late father, President Theodore Roosevelt, at New York University May 9, 1954. (Also pictured are Oscar S. Straus and Harold Stassen.) The only child born to Theodore Roosevelt and his first wife, Alice Lee Hathaway, she...
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Alice Roosevelt Longworth Quotes and Quotations My specialty is detached malevolence. - Alice Roosevelt Longworth | Character and Personality Quotes Add to Favorite List If you can't say something good about someone, sit right here by me. - Alice Roosevelt Longworth | Gossip and Gossips Quotes ...
Alice Roosevelt Longworth QuotesFree Daily Quotes Subscribe Alice Roosevelt Longworth — American Author born on February 12, 1884, died on February 20, 1980 Alice Lee Roosevelt Longworth was an American writer and prominent socialite. She was the oldest child of U.S. President Theodore "T.R....
出生日期:1884年2月12日 去世日期:1980年2月20日 出生地:美国,纽约 更多外文名:Alice Lee Roosevelt (本名) / Princess Alice (昵称) IMDb编号:nm1367427 职业: 关注1人关注 推荐 人物简介 ··· 暂无 图片· ···(全部 0 张·上传照片)