我年轻时的朋友 1330 8.5 2018 作者 好女人的爱情 1104 8.5 2013 作者 木星的卫星 1380 8.3 2019 作者 亲爱的生活 6796 7.8 2014 作者 Сайнбүсгүйнхайр 1 1970 作者 Selected Stories Volume One 1968-1994 0 2021 作者 > 我来报错 > 我来补充 >去 艾丽丝·门罗 作者页 ©...
Munro's Books,维多利亚,加拿大 半个多世纪前的 1963 年,Alice Munro 和她丈夫一起创立了这家书店,并以 Munro 命名。 此后,Alice Munro 的博学使她获得了诺贝尔文学奖,而她的书店也因此更具影响力。书店的外观就像一所博物馆,气派壮观,现在已经成为了维多利亚城的地标性建筑物。 4 El Ateneo Grand Splendid,布...
内容简介:In this series of interweaving stories, Munro recreates the evolving bond between two women in the course of almost forty years. One is Flo, practical, suspicious of other people's airs, at times dismayingly vulgar. the other is Rose, Flo's stepdaughter, a clumsy, shy girl who...
sBooks.AliceandJamesMunrodivorcedin1972.In1976,shemarriedGeraldFremlin.Personallife www.themegallery.com ❖RecentlifeMunroandFremlinmovedtoafarmoutsideClinton,Ontario,andlatertoahouseinClinton,whereFremlindiedin2013.In2009Munroindicatedthatshehadreceivedtreatmentforcancer.Career ...
Megan Walker, an advocate for victims of sexual and domestic violence and former head of the London Abused Women’s Centre, said she would not support a ban on Munro’s books. “I don’t ever support book bans,” she said. “I think part ...
birmingham museum of art, 1987. books 3 1986 nude, naked, stripped. catalogue by the mit committee on the visual arts. cambridge, ma: hayden gallery, list visual arts center, massachusetts institute of technology, 1986. 1985 lobowsky, susan. the surreal city: 1930s-1950s. brochure essay ...
【解析】【答案】popular 【核心短语/词汇】流行的popular, around the w orld全世界 【翻译】ALice Munro的书在全世界都很流行。 【解析】根据题目给出“流行的”可得知此处缺少意 思为“流行的”形容词,对应的单词是popular,所 以答案是popular。题目中没有给出相比较的参照 物,也没有标志词than,所以不是比...
In1951,sheleftuniversitytomarryfellowstudentJamesMunro.3 CompanyLogo Personallife www.themegallery.com ❖MarriageandMiddle-agedlifeMunromarriedJamesMonroin1951.Theyhadfourdaughters,onedied15hoursafterbirth.In1963,theMunrosmovedtoVictoriawheretheyopenedMunro’sBooks.
1、alice munro,alice munro (1931,the recipient of the 2013 nobel prize in literature,born:10 july 1931,wingham,canada nationality: canadian genres:short stories prize motivation:“master of the contemporary short story” language:english,contents,personal life,early life munro began writing as a te...
内容简介:In this series of interweaving stories, Munro recreates the evolving bond between two women in the course of almost forty years. One is Flo, practical, suspicious of other people's airs, at times dismayingly vulgar. the other is Rose, Flo's stepdaughter, a clumsy, shy girl who...