“Postcard” is a short story by Canadian author Alice Munro, first published inDance of the Happy Shades, Munro’s first short story collection (1968). This one’s about a player, and his unwitting bit-on-the-side who thinks he’ll eventually marry her. Alongside “Thanks For The Ride...
“The Peace of Utrecht” — Numerous critics and scholars consider this story the jewel of the crown of Munro’s first collection. Considering that, it’s baffling why it doesn’t make it into more Selected and Collection volumes. It’s certainly the most overtly personal of Munro’s early ...
In 1980 Munro held the position of Writer-in-Residence at both the University of British Columbia and the University of Queensland. Through the 1980s and 1990s, she published a short-story collection about once every four years.Alice Munro's stories frequently appear in publications such as The...
In 1972, Alice and James Munro divorced, and Alice moved back to Ontario. HerDance of the Happy Shadessaw publication in the United States in 1973, leading to wider recognition of her work. A second collection of stories was published in 1974. In 1976, after reconnecting with college friend...
Rosemary Goring
Explore 'How I Met My Husband' by Alice Munro. Read the short story's summary, study the in-depth analysis, and review the themes of gender, social...
The Best Alice Munro Books, as voted on by fans. Current Top 3: Runaway, The Love of a Good Woman: Stories, Friend of My Youth
Free Essays from Studymode | Alice Munro's collection of short stories in Open Secrets is one example of her focus on women, ordinary women, and the lives...
“The Shining Houses” is the second story of Alice Munro’s first short story collection,Dance of the Happy Shades, first published in 1968. Neologism to watch out for: “competitive violence”, as in: They worked with competitive violence and energy, all this being new to them; they were...
Munro was the first lifelong Canadian to win the Nobel and the first recipient cited exclusively for short fiction.