Umbrella Block tutorial in Chapter 1 becomes impossible to complete when attempting to press the Umbrella Block key (E by default) when locked on to an enemy. Cannot fire cannon and depth charges during the HMS Gryphon mini-game in Chapter 2. Giant Alice cannot perform a stomp to destroy ...
One glitch related to the umbrella not working because the keyboard binding was broken, requiring the player to use a controller or fix the binding. There were no patches for the game, as the concept of patches was not as widespread in 2011. Also criticized was the fact that the PC ...
Use the mushroom trampoline (with a float) to get up to the upper ledge. As you move on, the game will pause and tell you about Alice's float, and how you can EXTEND it by pressing and holding 'X' multiple times. To test your competency, we will have to jump to the far ledge....