Laura; Guerrero-Naranjo, Alejandro; Moreno-Matson, María Carolina; Pachón, Natalia; Charry-Sánchez, Jesús David (2018). "Alice in Wonderland Syndrome (AIWS). A reflection". Colombian Journal of Anesthesiology. 46 (2): 143–147. ...
不过我现在要告诉你,爱丽丝在喝下水后感觉自己变小、周围物品变大可能是因为爱丽丝患有一种罕见病——爱丽丝梦游仙境综合征(Alice in Wonderland syndrome,AIWS)。 AIWS是一种罕见的知觉障碍,最早是由英国医生John Todd于1955年命名,AIWS被⽤以描述他的六个病⼈(其中四位为偏头痛患者),这些病人觉得⾃⼰身体...
爱丽丝梦游仙境综合征(Alice in Wonderland syndrome,AIWS)以刘易斯•卡罗尔的经典文学作品《爱丽丝梦游仙境》命名,又称托德氏综合征(Todd's syndrome)或小人国幻觉(lilliputian hallucinations)。虽然解释不清原因,但AIWS在儿童中最为常见,通常在...
爱丽丝梦游仙境症(Alice in Wonderland Syndrome) 简称AIWS,又称“视微症”。长时间观察一种事物,会突然像爱丽丝漫游仙境一样,周遭的事物忽然变大或者忽然变小,甚至出现时空扭曲感。 此症首次由CW Lippman在1952年的《神经和精神疾病杂志》上描述,而命名则来源于约翰托德博士1955年在《加拿大医学会会刊》所发表的文章...
Alice in Wonderland syndrome (AIWS) is a rare condition in which patients report distorted size perception of objects and their own bodies. Although specific causes and pathology have not been elucidated, an association between AIWS and infection has been suggested. To our knowledge, mycoplasma-...
Alice in Wonderland syndrome is a neurological condition. This means that it is caused by disruption or damage to the nervous system. The nervous system is made up of the brain, spinal cord and nerves. There are a variety of causes associated with AIWS. The most common causes are migraines...
🙏罕见病-“爱丽丝漫游综合征”(AIWS(Alice In Wonderland Syndrome) 爱丽丝漫游综合征,一种非常罕见的眼部疾病,我们也可以称其为“爱丽丝梦游仙境症”、“视微症”,它是神经学上的一种高度迷惑性现象,以致影响到...
Alice in Wonderland Syndrome is a rare neurological condition that can cause the feeling of being larger or smaller than your environment, strange bodily sensations, and dissociation. If you have experienced symptoms of this condition, consider contacting your primary care physician for further guid...
爱丽丝梦游仙境症(Alice in Wonderland Syndrome,简称AIWS),又称"视微症",属于一种罕见眼疾,是神经学上的一种高度迷惑性现象,以致影响到人类的视觉感知。其症候表现为:长时间观察一种事物,会突然像爱丽丝漫游仙境一样,周遭的事情忽然变大,或者忽然变小。病人有时候眼前会出现马赛克的视觉效果,有的患者则会出现时空扭...
Alice in wonderland The article presents a study conducted by researchers at San Diego State University in California regarding the images of a brain of suffering from Alice In Wonderland Syndrome (AIWS). It states that unusual activity in the brain regions... K Lougheed - 《Guru》 被引量:...