alice in wonderland中第一章兔子洞的英语 Alice in Wonderland: Chapter One - Down the Rabbit-Hole Alice in Wonderland is a classic fantasy novel by Lewis Carroll, which tells the story of a young girl named Alice, who follows a talking white rabbit into a strange underground world full of...
Alice in wonderland is a 1951 American Disney animated film.(《爱丽丝梦游仙境》是1951年的美国迪斯尼动画电影。)Directed by Clyde jeronemi, Hamilton s. lusk and Wilfred Jackson, the film features the voices of kathryn bomont and Ed winn.(该片由克莱德·杰洛尼米、汉密尔顿·S·卢斯克、...
BackgroundⅠ AliceinWonderlandisan1865novel writtenbyEnglishauthorCharlesLutwidgeDodgsonunderthepseudonymLewis Carroll.IttellsofagirlnamedAlicewhofallsdownarabbitholeintoafantasyworldpopulatedbypeculiar,anthropomorphiccreatures.资料仅供参考 BackgroundⅡ Thetaleplayswithlogic,givingthestory lastingpopularitywithadults...
in Wonderland is sometimes referred to as nonsense literature, hidden in Carroll's wordplay are satirical jibes at the politics and propriety of Victorian England. The novel is composed of twelve brief chapters; it can be read in an afternoon. Each of the brief chapters, furthermore, is ...
BackgroundⅠ AliceinWonderlandisan1865novel writtenbyEnglishauthorCharlesLutwidgeDodgsonunderthepseudonymLewis Carroll.IttellsofagirlnamedAlicewhofallsdownarabbitholeintoafantasyworldpopulatedbypeculiar,anthropomorphiccreatures.资料仅供参考 BackgroundⅡ Thetaleplayswithlogic,givingthestory lastingpopularitywithadults...
Read more:Plot summary Directors Cecil M. Hepworth|Percy Stow Writers Lewis Carroll(novel "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland")|Cecil M. Hepworth Producer Cecil M. Hepworth Cinematographer Cecil M. Hepworth See all filmmakers & crew (6)
Alice in Wonderland(1995) Not Rated Video|45 min|Animation, Adventure, Family Edit pageAdd to list Track A young girl follows a curious white rabbit into a world where everything is nonsense and everyone is mad. Read more:Plot summary ...
The summary of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland This noveltells the story of a girl named Alice who falls down a rabbit-hole into a fantasy world populated by peculiar and anthropomorphic creatures. The tale is filled with allusions to Dodgson's friends (and enemies), and to the lessons tha...
最近更新:爱丽丝漫游奇境记(Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland)(壹力文库 百灵鸟英文经典)2024-04-15 16:47开始阅读 下载番茄小说 (英)刘易斯·卡罗尔(Lewis Carroll) 我的作品希望你喜欢 作品简介 《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》讲述的是小女孩爱丽丝追随一只会说话的兔子掉进兔子洞,进入一个神奇国度,遇到了许多会说话的...