桌子上有很多茶壶。 In one of the teapots there was a little mouse. The white rabbit ran away again. 其中一个茶壶里有一只小老鼠。 小白兔又跑掉了。 Alice followed the rabbit. She met some playing cards. 爱丽丝跟随着小兔子。 ...
桌子上有很多茶壶。 In one of the teapots there was a little mouse. The white rabbit ran away again. 其中一个茶壶里有一只小老鼠。 小白兔又跑掉了。 Alice followed the rabbit. She met some playing cards. 爱丽丝跟随着小兔子。 她遇见...
She follows it down a rabbit hole when suddenly she falls into a magical place called Wonderland. Then she meets many creatures that can speak and cards that can act like humans. And finally she realizes that it is a dream. My favorite scene in the book is when Alice meets the Mad ...
Thenshe meets many creatures that can speak and cardsthat can act like humans. And finally she realizes thatit is a dream.My favorite scene in the book is when Alicemeets the Mad Hatter and the March Hare. That is avery funny part of the book.As a great book, Alice in Wonderland ...
公众号:杂学记 《爱丽丝梦游仙境》的人物原型:爱丽丝•利德尔《爱丽丝梦游仙境》(Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)中并非所有内容都来自刘易斯•卡罗尔(Lewis Carroll)的想象。固执… 杂学记 《爱丽丝梦游仙境》致这光怪陆离的奇幻世界! 九宁小院发表于阿宁的院子 喜欢爱丽丝梦游仙境的理由 我喜欢爱丽丝梦游...
Wonderlandisan1865novel writtenbyEnglishauthorCharles LutwidgeDodgsonunderthe pseudonym(笔名)LewisCarroll. IttellsofagirlnamedAlicewho fallsdownarabbitholeintoa fantasyworldpopulatedby peculiar,anthropomorphic creatures. 1.Descriptivemodification Firstofall,alotof ...
Alice in Wonderland: Regia di W.W. Young. Con Viola Savoy, Herbert Rice, Elmo Lincoln, Harry Marks. Alice goes with her sister to a picnic and then she falls asleep and starts dreaming about a wonderland full of talking animals and walking playing cards.
To find yourself in a land where playing cards hold court and caterpillars smoke hookahs? That's exactly what happens to our heroine, a curious and adventurous young girl. Let's dive into her extraordinary experience! Our story begins on a rather dull afternoon. A young ...
She follows it down a rabbit hole when suddenly she falls into a magical place called Wonderland. Then she meets many creatures that can speak and cards that can act like humans. And at last she realizes that it is a dream. My favorite scene in the book is when Alice mcets the Mad ...