Jack Paar Show, The (1953-56) Jack Paar Show, The (1954) Jack Paar Tonite Jack and Mike Jack and Triumph Jackass Jackie Gleason Show, The Jackie Thomas Show, The Jackpot Jackson 5ive Jacksons, The Jacques Pepin Cooking Shows (KQED) Jail Jake and the Fatman James Dean James at 15 Jam...
The film centers on Jack (Grillo), a father looking to control his family’s isolated rural life. When his eldest daughter comes of age, the family must confront the Dagon—the terrifying, deadly creatures that surround them every night. Pic reunites Anderson with producers Neal Edelstein (...
“Alice and my daughter, Annie had spoken together recently and Alice, knowing her circumstances, approved an exhibit at the church to tell her own story,” Guthrie wrote. “Alice and I spoke by phone a couple of weeks ago, and she sounded like her old self. We joked around and had a...
“shot,” or, for that matter, in watching any pictures at all. Cinema theatres do not attract me now. In the pictures themselves I cannot help but see that artificiality which other people miss. Whenever I see the pitiful and fear-compelling ‘death’ episodes, or the heart-clasping ‘...