cluster-trace-gpu-v2020在 2 个月内包含大约 6500 台机器。它描述了由阿里巴巴 PAI(人工智能平台)在 GPU 集群上提供的 MLaaS(机器学习即服务)中的 AI/ML 工作负载。查看已发布数据、数据模式和数据处理脚本和 Jupyter notebook 的子目录(pai_gpu_trace_2020)。 我们将在接下来的几个月发布与微服务相关的 clus...
2018 年 10 月,在美国哈佛黑客马拉松Hack Harvard 闭幕式上,阿里系统软件事业部高级工程师徐国耀(祜休)进行了《Resource Management in Alibaba: Colocation at Large Scale》的主题演讲,并宣布成立了基础设施架构学术兴趣小组,发布了 Alibaba Open Cluster Trace Program。
Alibaba Cluster Trace Program Overview The Alibaba Cluster Trace Program is published by Alibaba Group. By providing cluster trace from real production, the program helps the researchers, students and people who are interested in the field to get better understanding of the characterastics of modern...
而管理一个异构混布共享集群并非易事,仍有很多open challenge亟待我们去解决,我们也希望我们的方案和发现能给到更多同行和老师以启发。作为Alibaba Cluster Trace Program的一部分,我们在Github上开源了超过6500张GPU,上千台机器的真实profiling信息,以及2个月的生产环境的PAI深度学习任务。欢迎对深度学习系统感兴趣的老师...
Alibaba Cluster Trace Program is published by Alibaba Group. It helps all the people in the field of Cloud be students, researchers to have inside of the characteristics for data centers and the workloads through cluster trace from real production. This paper gives an in-depth analysis of the ...
cluster-trace-v2018 add detail explanation of task plan_resource. Feb 23, 2019 replace the survey link with a cn-friendly link Dec 19, 2018 README Alibaba Cluster Trace Program Overview TheAlibaba Cluster Trace Programis published by Alibaba Group. By providing cluster trace from rea...
Log on to the Kibana console of the cluster and run the following command to modify the configurations of slow logs. PUT _settings{ "index.indexing.slowlog.threshold.index.warn" : "200ms", "index.indexing.slowlog.threshold.index.trace" : "20ms", "index.indexing.slowlog.threshold.index....
Security Center monitors the status of running containers in a Kubernetes cluster. This allows you to detect security risks and attacker intrusions at the earliest opportunity. Security Center detects the following items: Suspicious instruction execution on a Kubernetes API server Mounting of suspicious ...
62900 seek data redo log:pangu://localcluster/redo_data/41/example/2016_08_30/250_1472555483 user_cursor:1469780553885689973 Log Service T race logs [2013-07-13 10:28:12.772518] [DEBUG] [26064] __TRACE_ID__:661353951201 __item__:[Class:Function] _end__ request_id:1734117 user_id:124...
and is pre-aggregated and stored in the Region dimension. During analysis, due to the need for cross-region aggregation and statistics, the inspection platform first tries to build a large Flink cluster on the intranet for statistical analysis. However, in actual use, the following problems were...