Tofurtherenable enterprisestoreap the benefits of AI-driven innovation, Alibaba Cloud will offer its clients access to Tongyi Qianwen on thecloud and help them build customized large language models. By fine-tuning Tongyi Qianwen with customers’ proprietary intelligence and industrial know-how in a...
Alibaba Cloud is one of the world's largest cloud computing companies, providing scalable, secure, and reliable cloud computing services globally to accelerate digitalization empowered by comprehensive cloud products and solutions.
CEN procedure,Cloud Enterprise Network:After you connect network instances, such as virtual private clouds (VPCs), virtual border routers (VBRs), IPsec-VPN connections, and Cloud Connect Network (CCN) instances, to a Cloud Enterprise Netwo...
Alibaba Cloud services that support Quota Center,Quota Center:This topic describes the Alibaba Cloud services that support Quota Center and the related service codes.
If the network quality of the public connection is poor, we recommend that you use Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN) and other services. Why do IPsec-VPN connections succeed even if the protected data flows of on-premises and cloud networks are different? Cause As shown in the following figure...
このトピックでは、Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN) およびEnterprise Editionトランジットルーターを使用して、異なるリージョンに属する仮想プライベートクラウド (VPC) とAlibaba Cloudアカウント間のネットワーク通信を確立する方法について説明します。 例: 以下...
機能と特徴,Cloud Enterprise Network:トランジットルーターは、仮想プライベートクラウド (VPC) 、IPsec-VPN接続、およびCloud connect Network (CCN) インスタンスに接続できます。 トランジットルーターを使用して、VPCとリージョン間、およびデータセンターとクラウドリ
Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN) Create enterprise-class global network 2-5 Mbps1 Month Free Learn More Object Storage Service (OSS) A secure, cost-effective, and highly reliable object storage service Standard LRS Storage Plan 500G1 Month Free ...
Alibaba Cloud provides a broad range of global cloud products & services like elastic computing, databases, security, analytics, AI, IoT, enterprise apps, etc. to empower your business at low cost.
Alibaba Cloud launched the Serverless Application Engine (SAE), which provides a fully managed platform specifically for applications or microservices. For example, Java microservices can currently be deployed on the cloud with zero transformation migration and support complete microservice governance capabili...