There are many times when we need to use aliases for hosts in Linux. For instance, perhaps a hostname is too long or difficult to remember and we want to use it several times, or maybe we need to test a hostname during our programming. In this tutorial, we’ll explore three ways to...
在Python 中执行 Linux alias 可以通过 subprocess 模块来实现。以下是一个示例代码: 代码语言:txt 复制 import subprocess def execute_alias(alias_name): try: # 获取当前用户的 bashrc 文件路径 bashrc_path = f"{os.path.expanduser('~')}/.bashrc" # 读取 bashrc 文件内容 with open(bashrc_path, 'r...
alias unalias='alerts(){ if [ $# != 0 ]; then if [ $* != "ls" ]&&[ $* != "alias" ]&&[ $* != "unalias" ]; then unalias $*;else echo "-bash: unalias: ${*}: not found";fi;else echo "unalias: usage: unalias [-a] name [name ...]";fi;};alerts' alias alias='ale...
复制 alias[-p][name[=value]...] 主要用途 简化较长的命令。 定义一个或多个别名。 修改一个或多个已定义别名的值。 显示一个或多个已定义别名。 显示全部已定义的别名。 选项 -p:显示全部已定义的别名。 name(可选):指定要(定义、修改、显示)的别名。 value(可选):别名的值。 返回值 alias返回true...
Linux alias 命令 Linux 命令大全 Linux alias 命令用于设置指令的别名,用户可利用 alias,自定指令的别名。。 它可以使您以一种更简单和易于记忆的方式执行命令,而不必每次都键入完整的命令。 若仅输入 alias,则可列出目前所有的别名设置。 alias 的效果仅在该次登入的
The syntax starts with the alias command, then with the name of the alias we want to use, then the equal=sign, and last is the original Linux command in quotation marks. Once we define our alias in the.bashrcfile on our server, we need to save the changes with our favorite editor an...
alias shortname= We will now alias thelscommand tols -lraso that you get a much better look at all of your files, both hidden and non-hidden: Now, reload the.bashrcfile using the following command: $source~/.bashrc When you use
[hostname]"echo-e"Example:\n\tserver-alias-install racknerd"}# if less than two arguments supplied, display usageif[$#-lt 1 ]thendisplay_usageexit1fi# check whether user had supplied -h or --help . If yes display usageif[[ ( $* =="--help") || $* =="-h"]]thendisplay_usage...
Aliaswith no arguments or with the -p option prints the list of aliases in the formaliasname=value on standard output. When arguments are suppl alias 原创 小兔崽儿 2015-07-30 10:04:30 925阅读 linux命令删除alias 在Linux系统中,使用alias命令可以为常用的命令设置别名,这样可以简化操作,提高工作效...
linux命令 - alias linux命令 - alias 为自己的常用命令语句指定别名,快捷方式 $alias/? Usage:alias[/reload] [/d] [name=fullcommand] /reload Reload the aliases file /d Delete analias(must be followed by thealiasname) Ifaliasis called with any parameters, it will display the list of existing...