写的多了,发现.bashrc文件很长,很不好操作,所以 我们把.bashrc并分三路来设置,分别是把要写的alias部分(.bash_aliases),环境变量部分(.bash_variables)和函数部分(.bash_functions) 哈哈,这丫就给.bashrc瘦身不少,可以把其中的这3部分对应的行剪切过去,但是大功并未告成,我们还需要把这3个文件和.bashrc联系起...
设置Linux 别名命令 alias 永久生效的方法 直入主题,编辑.bashrc文件,该文件主要用于保存一些个性化的设置,如命令别名、路径等: vim .bashrc 执行上述命令后,如下图所示: 如上图所示,我们可以在User specific aliases and functions这一行下面新增我们的个性化配置,如设置别名: alias golog='cd /apps/srv/instance/...
设置Linux 别名命令 alias 永久生效的方法 直入主题,编辑.bashrc文件,该文件主要用于保存一些个性化的设置,如命令别名、路径等: vim .bashrc 执行上述命令后,如下图所示: 如上图所示,我们可以在User specific aliases...and functions这一行下面新增我们的个性化配置,如设置别名: alias golog='cd /apps/srv/instan...
还可以使用来自任何其他 PowerShell 驱动器的 Alias 提供程序。 若要从另一个位置引用 alias,请使用路径中的Alias:驱动器名称。 备注 PowerShell 使用别名来熟悉使用提供程序路径。dir和ls等命令现在是 Windows 上的别名,linux 和 macOS 上的dir,用于Get-ChildItem,cd是Set-Location的 alias。pwd是Get-Location的...
# User specific aliases and functions alias rm='rm -i' alias cp='cp -i' alias mv='mv -i' alias c=clear alias mk=mkdir ---》增加 # Source global definitions if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then . /etc/bashrc fi [root@teacher china_voice]# ...
Overview Functions Version History Reviews (52) Discussions (19) Editor's Note: This file was selected as MATLAB Central Pick of the Week Add myaa.m to your path and enjoy anti-aliased professionally looking graphics in Matlab at any time. Myaa works with any kind of graphic (3-D, plots...
KnownFunctionsDeploymentStorageType KnownInAvailabilityReasonType KnownIngressTransportMethod KnownIpFilterTag KnownKeyType KnownKind KnownLoadBalancingMode KnownOpenAuthenticationProviderType KnownParameterType KnownProviderOsTypeSelected KnownProviderStackOsType KnownPublishingProfileFormat KnownRecurrenceFrequency KnownResourc...
I guess you need to implement this 2 functions. requestToFile and fileToRequest Take a look at this code https://github.com/vuejs/vitepress/blob/master/src/node/resolver.ts#L19 remyz17 commented May 27, 2020 • edited i tried to do it and it's not fully working. For exemple it...
if [ -e $HOME/.bash_functions ]; then source $HOME/.bash_functions fi 在该函数文件中,添加这些代码: function cl { DIR="$*"; # if no DIR given, go home if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then DIR=$HOME; fi; builtin cd "${DIR}" && \ ...
NumPy - Adds support for large, multi-dimensional arrays, matrices and high-level mathematical functions to operate on these arrays python-dateutil - Provides powerful extensions to the standard datetime module pytz - Brings the Olson tz database into Python which allows accurate and cross platform...