Activity的生命周期 onCreate: 声明周期的第一个方法.做一些初始化的动作,例如setContentView onRestart: 表示Activity重新启动.当界面从不可见变为可见时调用,场景Home键切换,从任务栈返回 onStart: 表示Activity正在被启动.Activity为理论可见(取决上层界面是否透明),但不是前台无法操作. onResume: 表示Activity已经可...
alias 打开文件时 file does not exist会不会是软件有问题?我的是不能直接双击文件打开,必须导入。你试试直接双击看看能否打开。顺便提一句,文件保存目录不可以有中文的,否则也会出现你这样的情况。
An alias can be defined for an object that does not exist at the time of the definition. If it does not exist, a warning is issued (SQLSTATE 01522). However, the referenced object must exist when a SQL statement containing the alias is compiled, otherwise an error is issued (SQLSTATE ...
五、在ASMCMD模式下,删除有问题文件别名。 ASMCMD> rmalias alias pandy_dat_02.db ASMCMD-8002: entry 'alias' does not exist in directory '+dg_dat/ZXNORA/datafile/' ASMCMD> ls -l Type Redund Striped Time Sys Name DATAFILE MIRROR COARSE JAN 20 13:00:00 Y PANDY.309.933774621 DATAFILE MIRRO...
全部,邮件别名,邮件别名',信箱别名 更多例句筛选 1. However, if the e-mail alias does not exist, Exchange tries to send an NDR to the original e-mail message sender. 但是,如果不存在该电子邮件别名,Exchange会尝试将NDR发送到原始电子邮件发件人。 2. The EmailAddresses par...
在Three.js库中,WebGLRenderer 类的构造函数确实支持一个名为 antialias 的参数,用于启用抗锯齿效果。然而,如果你在使用TypeScript或类似的静态类型检查工具,并且发现 'antialias' does not exist on type 'webglrenderer' 这样的错误,这可能是因为你的Three.js类型定义文件(.d.ts 文件)没有正确反映这一属性,或...
1(true) If set to 1: If an alias does not exist for the specified object, the alias is created. If the specified object already has an alias, the alias for that object is updated to the new alias name. If set to 0, Guardium returns an error message if an alias exists for the ob...
Trying to inherit model note.note in my form view but keep getting the error Field "alias_model" does not exist. I also inherit note.note in my models and my fields are added just fine. Here is my view: <record id="view_project_notes_form" model="ir.ui.view"> ...
ResourceNotFound.Alias The alias does not exist. ResourceNotFound.Function The function does not exist. ResourceNotFound.FunctionName The function does not exist. ResourceNotFound.FunctionVersion The function version does not exist. ResourceNotFound.Namespace Namespace does not exist. UnauthorizedOperati...
_ldap._tcp Name does not exist _msdcs could not be resolved , DNS error _msdcs for in dns mgmt points to old, nonexistent server plus NO OTHER FOLDERS : The security descriptor propagation task could not calculate a new security descriptor for the following object. .bat file ...