Bhatt delivered a captivating performance as Rani, the rebellious journalist torn between her fiery persona and vulnerable side, she also portrayed a character full of emotions. Actor Ranbir Kapoor won Best Actor Male in the Leading Role award for his tough and uncompromising c...
In one video, he planted a kiss on Kiara Advani’s face, in another, he was seen touching Alia Bhatt’s belly. As a few fans claimed Varun made his co-stars uncomfortable, the actor has now reacted to the allegations.Varun Dhawan Reacts to Allegations That He Crosses a Line While ...
Ranbir was by his father’s side for most of 2019, when Rishi was undergoing treatment for cancer in New York. You can catch up about Alia on her Instagram channel AliaaBhatt Lesson: We don’t have perfect families. It’s important to recognise that spouse has had a very different ...