Today, Prime Video today announced that actor, producer and entrepreneur, Alia Bhatt has come onboard as Executive Producer for Poacher. Alia is known as a champion of nature and has actively lent her voice towards conservation and sustainability. Her association with Poacher as an Executive ...
Alia Bhatt和Ranbir Kapoor以及他的家人Pic在一起享用晚餐。与其他宝莱坞名人不同,宝莱坞的新爱情鸟Alia Bhatt和Ranbir Kapoor没有心情保持他们的关系。这两位超级巨星经常被发现并在同一辆车中一起进入。否则害羞的Ranbir Kapoor甚至在与一家领先杂志的采访中称其为“太新”,从而确认了他与Alia的关系。最近,Alia ...