It was a fight with two paces, fast and faster, and among its abiding images is that of Frazier, head down and body low, bobbing and weaving incessantly, taking lashing lefts and rights from Ali, then unloading that sweeping hook to the jaw, and Ali waving his head defiantly—No, no,...
In 1971, William Greaves, described in some accounts as a “maverick film maker,” made a low-budget, 114 minute documentary about Muhammad Ali and his opponent, Joe Frazier. This film, first titled “The Fight,” was made ahead of the March 1971 “Fight of the Century” at New York’...
Never in his life was Ali so physically and mentally tested as he was that night in Manila. In the last four rounds of the fight, after he had appeared beaten in the 10th and Frazier had him howling in pain from each left hook, Ali came back and fought with savagery and precision und...
, there will be recollections of his culture-defining fights, like his rematch fight against leon spinks to clinch his third heavyweight championship or any of the three historic go-arounds against joe frazier. but, one of ali’s most memorable fights didn’t take place in the boxing ring,...
“The Louisville Lip (He’s the Greatest)” Memphis singer-songwriter Eddie Curtis used a funky blues track to tell Ali’s story, with digs at Floyd Patterson, Liston and other Ali foes. The song came out in 1971, soon before Ali lost to Joe Frazier in 15 rounds at Mad...
“The Louisville Lip (He’s the Greatest)” Memphis singer-songwriter Eddie Curtis used a funky blues track to tell Ali’s story, with digs at Floyd Patterson, Liston and other Ali foes. The song came out in 1971, soon before Ali lost to Joe Frazier in 15 rounds at Madison Square Ga...
“The Louisville Lip (He’s the Greatest)” Memphis singer-songwriter Eddie Curtis used a funky blues track to tell Ali’s story, with digs at Floyd Patterson, Liston and other Ali foes. The song came out in 1971, soon before Ali lost to Joe Frazier in 15 rounds at Madison Square...