阿里·伊本·艾比·塔利卜(阿拉伯语:عليّ بن أبي طالب ,约600年或602年—661年),伊斯兰教历史上的第四任哈里发(656年—661年在位)。他是逊尼派所承认的最后一位“纯洁的哈里发”,也是什叶派...
Ali ibn Abi Talib 添加到生词本 用户正在搜索 Rh因子,ria,riad,rial,riant,RIB,ribambelle,ribat,ribaude,ribauder, 相似单词 (h)yponomeute,(s)chelem,“分灶吃饭”, 用户正在搜索 riblons,riboflavine,ribofuranose,ribonucléase,ribonucleic,ribonucléique,ribonucléoprotéide,ribonucléoprotéine,ribonucléo...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook Ali (redirected fromAli Ibn Abi Talib) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia A·li (ä-lē′)Full nameAli ibn Abi Talib.600?-661. Muslim caliph (656-661) whose reign was marked by the division of Islam into Sunni and Shiite sects. This schism intensified after...
Google Share on Facebook Ali Ibn Abi Talib Dictionary Thesaurus Medical The following article is fromThe Great Soviet Encyclopedia(1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased. Died 661. The fourth caliph (after 656); first cousin and son-in-law of Muhammad. ...
在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“ali ibn abi talib"翻译成 中文 变形干 匹配词 所有精确任何 Ceux qui devinrent les chiites estimaient qu’il devait être issu de la famille immédiate du prophète et soutinrentAli ibn Abi Talib, son cousin et gendre. ...
Hasan ibn 'Ali ibn Abi Talib) Hasan Hasan (häsänˈ), c.625–c.669; son of Ali and Fatima (daughter of Muhammad the Prophet). When Ali was killed in 661, Hasan became caliph, but he was not strong enough to withstand the threat of arms of the Umayyads and under pressure ...
Talḥah ibn Abī Talḥah, who boasted that he would defeat any Muslim sent against him. When Talḥah himself was defeated, he pleaded for mercy from ʿAlī, saying “Karrama Allāhu wajhahu” (“May Godilluminatehis face with nobility”). Thisbenedictionbecame one of ʿAlī’s ti...
携程天气预报,为您及时准确发布中央气象台天气信息,便捷查询阿斯塔拉Ali ibn Abi Talib (Gilak Lar) Mosque实时天气预报、明天天气预报、一周天气预报,提供天气现象、气温状况、实况温度、风向情况、风力等级、总降水量、相对湿度、日出/日落时间...
The theory of virtuous leadership in the works of al-Jahiz: An analysis of the depictions of 'Ali ibn Abi Talib This dissertation seeks to resolve or explain the multifarious depictions of 'Alī in the works of al-Jāh&dotbelow;iz&dotbelow; and to interpret... D Gifis,J Adrian - ...