The point-valued expression of a polynomial A(x)A(x) with degA<ndegA<n is a set of nn points: {(x0,y0),(x1,y1),⋯,(xn−1,yn−1)}{(x0,y0),(x1,y1),⋯,(xn−1,yn−1)} We can use nn evaluations to convert a coefficient expression to a point-valued expressio...
In this paper, we pose an algorithm to find a packing of two graphs Gl and G2, where G1 is composed of a tree with k edges and an independent set and G2 contains no cycles of length 4 and |E(G2)| <1/2nk. The packing problem is a restatement of the Erdos and Sos Conjecture...
Polynomial time solvable algorithms to binary quadratic programming problems with Q being a tri-diagonal or five-diagonal matrix Gu, S.: Polynomial time solvable algorithm to binary quadratic programming problems with Q being a tri-diagonal or five-diagonal matrix. In: Proceedings ... S Gu - ...
In [33], Guha and Khuller first proposed two polynomial time algorithms to construct a CDS in a general graph G. These algorithms are greedy and centralized. The first one has an approximation ratio of 2(H(Δ)+1), where H is a harmonic function. The idea of this algorithm is to buil...
The complexity of that algorithm in terms of the number of digits of the integer to be factored is something like: e^{(k + o(1))(n^(1/3) * ln(n)^(2/3)} which as mentioned at: Polynomial time and exponential time is not truly exponential, but it is superpolynomial. As of ...
A Polynomial Algorithm to Find a Packing of Two Graphs Journal of Systems Science & InformationXiaoli WangShaoqiang Zhang
Polynomial-Time Algorithms for Energy Games with Special Weight Structures Energy games belong to a class of turn-based two-player infinite-duration\ngames}played on a weighted directed graph. It is one of the rare and intriguing\ncombinatorial problems that lie in ${\\sf NP} \\cap {\\sf...
Any part of the evolutionary algorithm can be tailored and adjusted according to the problem, however, finding a suitable type of evolutionary algorithm is difficult because different parameters provide different results. It can be used for optimisation questions that cannot be solved in polynomial ...
The cubic polynomial interpolation technique is used to make the path smoother. The ADL-ABC algorithm outperforms the traditional ABC algorithm. However, more complex scenarios should be tested to judge the level of significance [161]. Xu et al. developed the Coevolution framework with the Global...
Many real-world engineering problems need to balance different objectives and can be formatted as multi-objective optimization problem. An effective multi-objective algorithm can achieve a set of optimal solutions that can make a tradeoff between different objectives, which is valuable to further explore...