AI self-play for algorithm design This research was accepted by the2023 International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR)(opens in new tab), which is dedicated to the advancement of the branch of artificial intelligence generally referred to as deep learning. A self-play pipeline for a ...
search process. In light of the results from addressing four distinct engineering design challenges, the HO has effectively achieved the most efficient resolution while concurrently upholding adherence to the designated constraints. The performance evaluation of the HO algorithm encompasses various aspects, ...
Cluster analyses, such as principal component analysis [34] (PCA) or hierarchical clustering [35], should be completed before further downstream analysis to ensure that samples are collected based on the experimental design. If a small number of samples show divergent clustering, their removal may...
Algorithm theories represent the structure common to a class of algorithms, such as divide-and-conquer or backtrack. An algorithm theory for a class A provides the basis for design tactics—specialized methods for designing A-algorithms from formal problem specifications. We illustrate this approach ...
(LEO). Section "The proposed mAHA algorithm" provides the mathematical model of the proposed mAHA algorithm. Section "Application of mAHA: optimal power flow and generation capacity" introduces the OPF mathematical formulation model. Section "Evaluated results and discussion" discusses the design ...
To explore the design space of low-fidelity AV technology, we present SALSA ( Spatial ALgorithmic Language for Storybo Arding) and ALVIS ( ALgorithm VI sualization Storyboarder), a prototype end-user language and system firmly rooted in empirical studies in which students constructed and presented...
Genetic representations for network design optimizations by evolutionary algorithmLin, LinLin, LinGen, MitsuoGen, Mitsuo
B-spline signal processing: Part I-theory and Part II-efficient design The use of continuous B-spline representations for signal processing applications such as interpolation, differentiation, filtering, noise reduction, and data compressions is considered. The B-spline coefficients are obtained through ...
the capability of this algorithm in dealing with large search domains while solving the engineering design problems by this algorithm can guarantee the possibility of using this algorithm in real-world applications which is a main concern of the researchers based on the recent challenges in developing...
proposing new methods that aim to learn from noisy labels. Below, we give our analysis of the types of errors in the noisy labels, core mechanisms to handle these errors, and guidelines on how to design a DNN model with proper learning objectives and training procedures to achieve a successfu...