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diagnosis [30], databases [11], and network design [47]. 2.2. Algorithm selection approaches Fig. 1 shows a basic per-instance algorithm selection framework that is used in practice. A basic approach involves (i) representing a given instance i with a vector of numerical features F(i) (e...
El-Wakeel AS (2014) Design optimization of pm couplings using hybrid particle swarm optimization-simplex method (PSO-SM) algorithm. Electr Power Syst Res 116:29–35 Article Google Scholar Emara HM, Fattah HAA (2004) Continuous swarm optimization technique with stability analysis. In: Proceedings ... [Def, Test] Carlisle Adams, Jeff Gilchrist, "The CAST-256 Encryption Algorithm," RFC 2612, June 1999. [Inf] Carlisle Adams, "Constructing Symmetric Ciphers Using the CAST Design Procedure," Selected Areas in Cryptography (E. Kranakis and...
Design and Use of Relational Databases in Chemistry [Internet] (1st ed.), CRC Press, Boca Raton (2008), p. 224 Available from: Google Scholar 14 Weininger D SMILES, a Chemical Language and Information System: 1: Introduction to Methodology and Encoding Rules J Chem...
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Barsky, 1987, ISBN 0-934613-27-3 [Farin] Curves and Surfaces for Computer Aided Geometric Design: A Practical Guide, 4th Edition, Gerald E. Farin, Academic Press 1996. ISBN 0122490541. [Prusinkiewicz] The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants, Przemyslaw W. Prusinkiewicz, Aristid Lindenmayer, ...
edition,1999 [10] Thomas H Lee The design of CMOS radio fre uency integrated circuits [M] Chapter 13,Stanford University,Cambridge University Press, 1998 作者简介: 来金梅 女,1965 年出生于浙江,博士,主要研究兴趣为集成电 路设计及其设计方法学研究 EmaiI:jmIai2000@163 net 9 5 2 1 第 8 ...
3. The Design of Active Queue Management (AQM) Algorithm for ICN Router It is still an unsolved problem whether the traditional active queue management algorithm in a TCP network (such as RED, BLUE) is suitable for ICN or not. Firstly, we analyze how the end system added in ICN routers ...
As deaths caused by breast cancer have become a major concern, researchers are trying to design implement algorithms so that preventive measures can be adopted in an effective way. Hence, the aim of this study is to improve prediction of survivability of breast cancer with the application of K...