Alginate substitute materials are polyvinylsiloxane (PVS) impression materials which may produce more than one cast and may be a replacement for traditional irreversible hydrocolloids. Objectives: To compare four alginate substitute materials to an alginate impression material for detail reproduction, cast ...
品牌: 登士柏/Dentsply 规格: 普通凝固型蓝色包装 已选清单: ¥57.67 有效期至: 2027-05-29 -+罐有货× 已选总数:1|总金额:¥57.67 咨询 收藏 分享 图片仅用于产品展示,效期与批次以实际为准 产品名称: 翡翠Jeltrate Dental Alginate Impression Material(藻酸盐) 普通凝固型蓝色包装 908g/桶 ...
alginate impression material 藻酸盐印模材料文献(pubmed) 赞助商链接以下为句子列表:英文: A gelatin-like substance obtained from kelp and used in impression material.中文: 一种从海藻中获得的类似凝胶的物质并且用于印模原料.英文: Alternatively the organic material dissolves away leaving an impression or ...
网络释义 1. 藻酸盐印模材料 impression... ... dental impression material1. 牙齿印模材料alginate impression material1.藻酸盐印模材料...|基于4个网页 2. 藻酸盐印模材 固定桥 ...藻酸盐印模材alginate impression material粘结固定桥 bonding fixed bridge ... ...
英文名称:Alginate dental impression material 标准状态:废止 发布日期:1978-06-01 文档简介 ISO1563:1978ENAlginatedentalimpressionmaterial标准是关于藻酸盐类印模材料标准的规定,主要用于口腔科进行牙齿的印模制作。该标准详细说明了藻酸盐印模材料的技术要求、试验方法、检验规则以及标志、包装、运输和贮存等方面的内容。
Product Name Dental Alginate Impression Material Color Regular:Purple Color changing:white,after mixed with water,purple red change to white gradually Color changing time 2'30'~3'00 Powder:Water 10g : (23-25)ml Strain in compress (5-20)% Feature 1.powder to water rat...
Alginate Dental Impression Material Alginate Dental Impression Material(Alginate Dental Impression Material) CAS: 化学式: 主页 产品 Alginate Dental Impression Material 中文名 Alginate Dental Impression Material 英文名 Alginate Dental Impression Material 英文别名 Alginate Dental Impression Material...
藻酸盐印模材料Alginate Impression Material注册证编号:国械注进20222170091 管理类别:二类 规格型号:见附页 有效期至:2027-02-21 注册证:欢迎来电索取 彩页:欢迎来电索取 首营资料:欢迎来电索取 我要资询 适用范围 结构及组成 该产品用于制取牙齿和口腔组织的印模。 本产品由海藻酸钠、硫酸钙、硅藻土、焦磷酸钠...
Item Alginate Impression Material Regular Color Universal Type:Green High Precision Type:Orange Super High Precision Type:Purple Change Color white,after mixed with water,purple red change to white gradually or customized Usage Dental used for ordinary porcelain and maxillary i...
Dental alginate is a powder impression material that, when mixed with water, turns into a flexible and elastic gel used to make a mold of your patient's teeth and surrounding areas. Alginate produces an adequately detailed mold and is cheaper than other alternatives. our alginate impression powde...