g lattices and groupswhile at the time studying interesting properties of Lie algebras. Some aspects ofwhat they found fit nicely into the "Groups and Geometries" framework of thepresent conference. This note summarizes a small part of their research, especiallyits relationship to questions in ...
Hadronic JournalandAlgebras, Groups and Geometries have been regularly published since 1978 without publication charges and are among the few remaining independent refereed journals. Hadronic Journal Algebras, Groups, and Geometries
g lattices and groupswhile at the time studying interesting properties of Lie algebras. Some aspects ofwhat they found fit nicely into the "Groups and Geometries" framework of thepresent conference. This note summarizes a small part of their research, especiallyits relationship to questions in geome...
The first portion of this paper consists of basic definitions and results on manifolds, fiber bundles, connections and covariant differentiation. The purpose of this is to identify a relationship between the geometries of manifolds and some classes of algebras; in particular the class of Lie-admissib...
mathematicianSophusLie,whointroducedthenotionofcontinuoustransformationgroupsand showedthecrucialrolethatLiealgebrasplayintheirclassificationandrepresentationtheory. Lie’sideasplayedacentralroleinFelixKlein’sgrand”Erlangenprogram”toclassifyallpossible geometriesusinggrouptheory.TodayLietheoryplaysanimportantroleinalmost...
Wess, Enveloping algebra valued gauge transformations for nonAbelian gauge groups on noncommutative spaces, Eur. Phys. J. C 17 (2000) 521 [hep-th/0006246] [INSPIRE]. Article ADS Google Scholar B. Jurčo, L. Möller, S. Schraml, P. Schupp and J. Wess, Construction of non-Abelian ...
g lattices and groupswhile at the time studying interesting properties of Lie algebras. Some aspects ofwhat they found fit nicely into the "Groups and Geometries" framework of thepresent conference. This note summarizes a small part of t... WM Kantor - Note on Lie algebras, finite groups and...
Dynamical quantum groups at roots of 1 Given a dynamical twist for a finite dimensional Hopf algebra we construct two weak Hopf algebras, using methods of Xu and Etingof-Varchenko, and show that... P Etingof,D Nikshych - 《Duke Mathematical Journal》 被引量: 164发表: 2000年 Median algebra...
These will be branes in exactly solvable WZW models for compact groups and recent advances related to integrable deformations of AdS5 sigma models. 3.1 D-Branes in WZW models In this section we review some of the features of D-branes4 in WZW models relevant for us. WZW models are exactly ...
In this article I propose a new criterion to extend the Standard Model of particle physics from a straightforward algebraic conjecture: the symmetries of physical microscopic forces originate from the automorphism groups of main Cayley–Dickson algebras, from complex numbers to octonions and sedenions....