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This is the first comprehensive textbook that provides a systematic and detailed analysis of initial and boundary value problems for differential-algebraic equations. The analysis is developed from the theory of linear constant coefficient systems via linear variable coefficient systems to general nonlinear...
This paper is a review of the algebraic theory of convolutional codes through the focus of the author’s 1970 paper [F1], including its origins in the work of Kalman et al. and of Massey and Sain. This paper grew out of and in turn influenced the development of algebraic system theory,...
representation of a quaternion matrix, we introduce a concept of norm of quaternion matrices, discuss singular values and generalized inverses of a quaternion matrix, study the QLS problem and derive two algebraic methods for finding solutions of the QLS problem in quaternionic quantum theory. ...
It is not hard to see, with the above initial A0,G0 and H0, that the SDA_ls still works, again with exactly the same forms and updating formulae for Ak,Bk,Ck,Dk(1),Dk(2) and the inverses of Rk,Sk and Tk. One relevant difference for CAREs is that A0≠A but satisfies, from ...
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A (k,g)-Cayley cage is a k-regular Cayley graph of girth g and smallest possible order. We present an explicit construction of (k,g)-Cayley graphs for all
This method is by far known as the most efficient method for solving large-scale algebraic system of equations [20], [21], [22]. Their convergence rate is often independent of the mesh size, and such optimal convergence theory can be found, for instance, in [20], [4], [43]. On ...
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