In this chapter we formulate the theorems from class field theory for finite extensions that we shall need in the following, and we will transfer them to infinite extension as far as is necessary.doi:10.1007/978-3-662-04967-9_9Koch, HelmutHumboldt-Universität BerlinSpringer Berlin Heidelberg...
A new concept for the implementation of abstract data types is proposed: Given algebraic specifications SPECO and SPEC1 of abstract data types ADTO and ADT1 an implementation of ADTO by ADT1 is defined separately on the syntactical level of specifications and on the semantical level of algebras...
The origins of algebraic number theoryIn his effort to construct a theory of biquadratic residues analogous to the theory of quadratic residues (Chapter 1), Gauss realised that it would be necessary to pass from the domain ℤ of integers......