Chess - Algebraic Notation Cheat SheetbyDaveChild A guide to algebraic chess notation - how the squares are named, what the various symbols all mean, and how to mark up a game for sharing with other people. Algebraic Notation: Squares ...
A PHP library to parse a Standard Algebraic Notation (SAN). - standard-algebraic-notation/ at 29f45650898e119df153191a4c12944b3a0c8b6a · chesszebra/standard-algebraic-notation
aNow we're going to learn the language of chess, what's called Algebraic Notation. The vertical columns on the chess board, the files, are lettered A through H. This is the A file, the B file, the C, D, E, F file, G file, H file. The horizontal ranks are numbered 1 through ...
KASPER, ERIC T.Marquette Sports Law Review
recording of chess moves Individual moves and entire games can be recorded using one of several forms of notation. By far the most widely used form, algebraic (or coordinate) notation, identifies each square from the point of view of the player with the light-coloured pieces, called White.…...