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Learn about the substitution method and how to solve by substitution. Discover how the substitution method is used by observing example problems...
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Solve by Substitution : // Solve equation [2] for the variable x [2] 6x = 21y - 15 [2] x = 7y/2 - 5/2 // Plug this in for variable x in equation [1] [1] -8•(7y/2-5/2) + 6y = -2 [1] - 22y = -22 // Solve equation [1] for the variable y [1] ...
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Solving Systems of Equations by Substitution: SMART Board Resource for Algebra (Grades 6-12) (eLesson Plan)
Question. Let L be a lower triangular matrix and solve Lx=b by forward substitution. Show that barring overflow or underflow, the computed solution \hat x satisfies (L+\delta L)\hat x = b, where |\delta L_{ij}|\leq n\varepsilon|l_{ij}|, where \varepsilon is the machine precision...