群代数(group algebra)并不是指群(group),也不是指代数群(algebraic group), 而是基于群的“代数结构”(Algebra)。 Group Algebra: Let G be a group over a field K. Then a group algebra is defined to be a…
The meaning of BANACH ALGEBRA is a linear algebra over the field of real or complex numbers that is also a Banach space for which the norm of the product of x and y is less than or equal to the product of the norm of x and the norm of y for all x and y b
In mathematics, a quaternion algebra over a field F is a central simple algebra A over F[1][2] that has dimension 4 over F. Every quaternion algebra becomes the matrix algebra by extending scalars (=tensoring with a field extension), i.e. for a suitable field extension K of F, A o...
就是说它是 an algebra over a spherical partial operad, 意思是说它真的是open-string sewing的代...
field F ).一个线性代数允许标量积的外部运算(基础域F的元素)For example, the set of all linear transformationsfrom a vector space V to itself over a field F forms a linear algebra over F .例如,在域F上的向量空间V所有线性变换的集合形成在F上的一个线性代数Another example of alinear algebra ...
A basis of identities of the Lie algebra s(2) over a finite fieldNo Abstract available for this article.doi:10.1007/BF01236781K. N. SemenovKluwer Academic Publishers-Plenum PublishersMathematical Notes
Basis of the Identities of the Matrix Algebra of Order Two over a Field of Characteristic p≠2 - ScienceDirect 来自 国家科技图书文献中心 喜欢 0 阅读量: 31 作者: P Koshlukov 摘要: In this paper we prove that the polynomial identities of the matrix algebra of order 2 over an infinite...
Let G be a graded connected cocommutative Hopf algebra, with graded pieces G i , i≥0, of finite dimension over a field k (arbitrary characteristic). Assume that G has polynomial growth, i.e., for some integer r≥0 and constant C, ∑ i=0... Y Felix,S Halperin,JC Thomas - 《Jou...
如果对一个有unity的commutative ring,所有non-zero elements都是unit,则称为field。 因此,在Field上,可以定义divide: ax=b, a!=0的解是x=b/a=a^{-1}b。任意两个元素都是associate的。 显然,Q,R和C都是field。易证,Field没有zero divisor,所以所有field都是domain。
Let F be a field, char(F) = p \not = 0 . Show that the polynomial f(x) = x^{p^n} -x over F has distinct zeros. Answer: By Theorem 20.6, we only need to show that f(x) \not = g(x^p) for any g(x) \in F[x] . Let g(x) = \sum a_ix^i be arbitrary Suppose...