Algebra Made Simple, Grades 9 - 12 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 Now it's simple to make Algebra fun, relevant, interesting, and exciting. This book is designed to help students develop a basic understanding of algebraic concepts using everyday applications. Includes activities on real nu...
Now it's simple to make Pre-Algebra fun, relevant, interesting, and exciting. This book is designed to help students develop a basic understanding of algebraic concepts using everyday applications. Includes activities on whole numbers and integers, solving equations, geometry, logic, problem solving...
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This book is written in simple English. Its subject 'Number and symbols' is basic to the whole of science. The aim the book is to open the door into Mathematics, ready for going on into Physics, Chemistry, and the other Sciences. ...
Algebra has never been as approachable for early grades with the activities in this book. The skills support NCTM standards including patterns and function, situations and structures, models, and changes in context. Each activity incorporates at least one of the five NCTM process standards Problem ...