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Michael Heithaus, engage students with interesting and relevant applications of each module’s mathematical content, tied to each lesson’s performance task. These short video segments are just one example of the real-world connections embedded in every lesson, so students can conne...
Lesson plans for constructivist teaching were constructed based on the Constructivist Teaching Based Model. Activities in these lesson plans focused on students' existing knowledge, collaborative working, real world context, use of manipulatives, cognitive conflict, reflective teaching approach, and Lesh's...
(Lesson 1-5) 2. The first number in an ordered pair is the , and the second number is the . (Lesson 3-3) Prerequisite Skills Name the number that is the solution of the given equation. (Lesson 1-5) 3. a 15 19; 4, 5, 6 4. 11a 77; 6, 7, 8 5. x 9 2; 7, 11, 11...
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