New open-source cross-platform symbolic algebra library for C# and F#. Can be used for both production and research purposes. parselatexcsharpparsingintegrationcalculusalgebrajupytermathfsharpcomputer-algebranugetsolverarbitrary-precisionsymbolic-manipulationequationsdifferentiationinequalitysymbolic-math ...
this chapter presents research on algebra learning and teaching that has been carried out in various technological environments, more specifically those where the focus has been either multiple representations in computer and graphics calculator environments, or dynamic control, or structured symbolic calcula...
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Computer algebra, a part of symbolic computation, is attracting a lot of attention as a teaching tool. Potentially, computer algebra systems offer the educator new and exciting ways of presenting mathematical ideas. The latest systems take advantage of the recent advances in microcomputer hardware. ...
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SageMath in particular, being more powerful than a graphic calculator, is easier to use owing to its offer web browser cell access to users with an internet connection. Similar to other symbolic computation-type CASs, SageMath can assist many of us in solving many mathematical problems, aiding ...
The standard transcendental functions such as one might find on a scientific calculator. The functions are the exponential (not to be confused with exponentiation), natural logarithm, sine, cosine, tangent, arcsine, arccosine, arctangent, and the two argument arctangent. transcendental constants The...
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Computer Algebra Systems (CAS) are software systems with the capability of symbolic manipulation linked with graphical, numerical, and tabular utilities, and increasingly include interactive symbolic links to spreadsheets and dynamical geometry programs. School classrooms that incorporate CAS allow for new ...