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The learning outcomes of the program focussed around three key areas, namely, symbol manipulation, formulation and problems solving. Students in the CAS group were more inclined to persist with algebraic methods (usually performing the same operation on both sides of an equation) for equation ...
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The laptop computer (and even the advanced "graphing" calculator) promised accessibility; ease-of-use was another matter. At RHIT in the early 90's, where Maple had been adopted as the standard CAS, a 14-page syntax guide was a necessary hand-out at the beginning of the calculus sequence...
The laptop computer (and even the advanced "graphing" calculator) promised accessibility; ease-of-use was another matter. At RHIT in the early 90's, where Maple had been adopted as the standard CAS, a 14-page syntax guide was a necessary hand-out at the beginning of the calculus sequence...
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