Holt Algebra 2: 2007: Chapter 6 Resource Book with Answers :Contact Us
作者:H.S.HALL 出版社:WITH ANSWERS 出版时间:1931 印刷时间:1931 装帧:精装 售价¥85.00 品相八五品 发货 承诺48小时内发货 上书时间2016-05-12 数量 仅1件在售,欲购从速 立即购买 十三年老店 东北老二书店 店铺等级 拍卖等级 资质认证 90天平均
Lightweight and compact.Students can easily keep the Algebra Handbook in their backpack or math folder, with dimensions of 5.5 x 8.5", the size of a half-sheet of paper, and a weight of only 4-ounces.A spiral binding allows the book to open flat on a desk or to be folded over when...
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