Increasing numbers of mathematics educators, policy makers, and researchers believe that algebra should become part of the elementary education curriculum. Such endorsements require careful research. This paper presents the general results of a longitudinal classroom investigation of children's thinking and ...
From the text: In May 2009, an international workshop on Algebra and Probability in Many-Valued Logics was held in Darmstadt, Germany. Established as well as younger researchers in the field gathered together to foster progress on various aspects of many-valued reasoning, with special emphasis ...
We show that the zero-mass trajectory generating algebraSL 2,c can be identified with the algebra spanned by space integrals of appropriate components of vector and axial vector currents. The algebra is then generalized to include internal symmetries, and is found to be a chiralSU 6×SU 6 a...
Learning Mathematical Practices to Connect Abstract Algebra to High School Algebra Making connections between advanced mathematical content, such as abstract algebra, and the mathematics of the school curriculum is a critical component of the mathematical education of future secondary teachers. In this ...
A quantum deformation of four-dimensional superconformal algebra realized on quantum superspace is investigated. We study the differential calculus and the action of the quantum generators corresponding to sl q (14) which act on the quantum superspace. We derive deformed su (12,2) algebras from the...
因为如果 A\neq \varnothing,可以选择 G=\mathbb Z/2\mathbb Z,考虑 g:A\to G 把a\in A 映射到1,但是根据群同态性质, \{*\}\to G 必然映射到 0,因此图像不交换,矛盾! 5.3 用自由群的泛性质证明:对 j: A\to F(A) 是单射. 只需要证明对任意 a,b\in A,a\ne b,存在群 G 和函数 f: A...
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