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Question 1.1 Question. Let A be an orthogonal matrix. Show that det(A)=±1. Show that if B also is orthogonal and det(A)=−det(B), then A+B is singular. Proof. Since A is orthogonal, we have AT=A−1. Hence, 1=det(I)=det(AA−1)=det(AAT)=det(A)2, which means det...
You are expected to translate what is given in words in the question into algebraic expressions and equations and solve them to arrive at the answer. The GMAT data sufficiency questions in algebra may test your understanding of the different types of solutions (unique solution, no solutio...
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Free printable algebra practice regents., Addition of positive and negative integers worksheets, algebra asset test practice, Algebra 1 problem solver, decimals greatest to least, free algebra worksheet money, solving algerbra 2 math. Exam question for math at primary school in malaysia, year 8 ...
Universal algebra Put your understanding of this concept to test by answering a few MCQs. Click ‘Start Quiz’ to begin! Select the correct answer and click on the “Finish” button Check your score and answers at the end of the quiz...
Proportionally increase or decrease the number of questions in the assignment. This is very useful when planning a lesson. You can create a few questions to use as examples, and then scale up the number of question to create a homework assignment. The questions on the homework will be complet...
Proportionally increase or decrease the number of questions in the assignment. This is very useful when planning a lesson. You can create a few questions to use as examples, and then scale up the number of question to create a homework assignment. The questions on the homework will be complet...