正确 1 / 1 分 4。 Let u and v be 3-dimensional vectors, where specifically u=⎡⎣−343⎤⎦ and v=⎡⎣315⎤⎦ What isuTv? (Hint:uTis a 1x3 dimensional matrix, and v can also be seen as a 3x1 matrix. The answer you want can be obtained by taking the matrix produ...
正确 1 / 1 分 4。 Let u and v be 3-dimensional vectors, where specifically u=⎡⎣−343⎤⎦ and v=⎡⎣315⎤⎦ What isuTv? (Hint:uTis a 1x3 dimensional matrix, and v can also be seen as a 3x1 matrix. The answer you want can be obtained by taking the matrix produ...
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