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In practice we will generally be interested in the log determinant to avoid computational overflow. This is $$\ln \left(\left\vert {A}_{1}\right\vert \right)\approx 2\ln \left(\overline{{e}^{-\beta W}}\right)+\ln \left(\left\vert {A}_{2}\right\vert \right).$$ (25) It...
In practice, we rarely compute the inverse of A directly (e.g., calculate its entries). However, it's a useful theoretical tool: studying the properties of inverses will allow us to connect the ideas of elimination to the ideas of column and row space from week one.... you teach, you do something useful. When you do research, most days you don't. -- June Huh IAS Princeton Therapist: So you're afraid that you're letting down people you've never met and who you've given ...