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Mathflare Workbooks Pre Algebra Workbook 5th and 6th Grade: Pre Algebra Workbook 5-6, One-Step Equations, Whole Numbers, Fractions, Decimals, Book 1, (Paperback) Save with Spectrum: Spectrum Language Arts Workbook, Grade 8 (Paperback) Best seller Add $10.51current price $10.51Sp...
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We have 4 ways of solving one-step equations: Adding, Substracting, multiplication and division. If we add the same number to both sides of an equation, both sides will remain equal. Example x=y x+z=y+z If we subtract the same number from both sides of an equation, b...
Systems of Linear Equations – Graphing Method Slope and Intercepts of a Line Inequalities Solving one-step, two-step and multistep inequalities Graphing Inequalities Factoring out the G.C.F Factoring trinomials with a=1 Factoring trinomials with a≠1 ...
Area - Rectangle Area and perimeter The perimeter is the length of the outline of a shape. To find the perimeter of a rectangle or square you have to add the lengths of all the four sides. x is in this case the length of the rectangle while y is the width of the...
Solving subtraction equations What type of equation is this? What inverse operation should you use? Add 8 to both sides of the equation x = 20 Practice Problems 1) m – 4 = 9 2) 12 = s – 3 3) x – 7 = 21 4) 15 = r - 5 ...
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Literal Equations Simplifying Algebraic Expressions More Simplifying Algebraic Expressions The Balance Beam 1-Step The Balance Beam 2-Step One-Step Equations Two-Step Equations Equations with Unknown on Both Sides Equations with Parentheses Equations with Fractions or Decimals One-Step Inequalities Two-Step...