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An L-function is a function defined additively by a Dirichlet series with a multiplicative Euler product. The initial work of Dirichlet was generalized to number fields by Hecke and given an adelic interpretation by Tate which paved the way to move from GL(1) to higher degree L functions ass...
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It has been proved in [CHK1] that these lattices are in a one-to-one correspondence with so-called basic algebras. In the recent papers [BOTUR, M.—HALAŠ, R.: Finite commutative basic algebras are MV-algebras, J. Mult.-Valued Logic Soft Comput. (To appear)]. and [BOTUR, M.—...
Algebra (Arabic: al-jebr, from الجبر al-jabr, meaning "reunion of broken parts")[1] is a branch of mathematics concerning the study of structure, relation, and quantity. Elementary algebra is the branch that deals with solving for the
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