This comprehensive textbook help course can help you better understand the content found in your Glencoe Algebra 1 textbook. Each video lesson aligns to a chapter in your book so you can clarify challenging topics and get a better grade in class. ...
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If you use the Prentice Hall algebra 1 textbook in class, this course is a great resource to supplement your studies. The course covers the same important algebra 1 concepts found in the book, but uses short videos that make the algebra 1 lessons easier to understand and more fun to learn...
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This is the LaTeX source for the textbookMethods of Algebra(in Chinese: 代数学方法), Volume 1, revised version (February 2023). The book is originally published in 2019 by Higher Education Press (Beijing), ISBN 978-7-04-050725-6. The revised version has been published. ...
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This textbook, set for a one or two semester course in commutative algebra, provides an introduction to commutative algebra at the postgraduate and research levels. The main prerequisites are famil...