Reproduction The mode of reproduction may also vary. Some of them reproduce asexually whereas others, by sexual reproduction. Algal groups such as red algae and green algae have both in their life cycle. The asexual phase is when the organism is in a diploid condition whereas the sexual phase...
In addition to this mode of sexual reproduction, Scenedesmus reproduces asexually by producing a miniature autocolony by division of each protoplast inside the parent cell wall. The wall of the parent cell then splits and the autocolony emerges. In addition to the spines, which are often ...
The algae comprise a large heterogeneous assemblage of photoautotrophic organisms which vary vastly in size, shape and mode of life. The diverse phyla of algae show morphological, cytological, physiological and biochemical differences. The reproductive systems of these algae also show similar diversity....
Describe various type of lichens and their mode of reproduction. Lichen Structure: Structurally, lichens are among the most bizarre of all forms of life. That's because every lichen species is actually composed of two, possibly even three, distinct species of organisms. One species is a kind ...
Additionally, two new morphotypes representing developmental stages of the species are described while a new mode of reproduction involving a structurally distinct reproductive cell is described for the first time in planktic Nostocales. A putative life-cycle, common for C. raciborskii and R. ...
Include a comparison of size, cell type, reproduction, mode of deriving food, and good versus bad effects on other organisms and the environment. Be sure to give specific examples of goo How do the basic features of the life cycle differ for the different divisions ...
Living conditions, abundance and composition of the metazoan fauna in surface and sub-ice layers in pack ice of the western Weddell Sea during late spring Their populations consisted mainly of adults and early naupliar stages, which points to an active reproduction of these species within the sur...
Volvoxhas2modesofreproduction:sexualandasexual. qsexual innatureV.carterireproducessexuallyatleastonce eachyearwhentemporarypondswheretheorganism livesstarttodryoutintheheatoflatesummer;the stimulusforswitchingfromtheasexualtothesexual modeofreproductionisknowntobeasex-inducing ...
Discuss the differences and similarities between bacteria and fungi. Include a comparison of size, cell type, reproduction, mode of deriving food, and good versus bad effects on other organisms and the environment. Be sure to give specific examples of goo ...
Professor van Oppen says the study produced another surprising result. "We also discovered that, under stress, both types of algae may switch from their normal asexual mode of reproduction to sexual reproduction. "Sexual reproduction helps speed up evolution and may allow some algae to adapt quickl...