AlgaPrime™ DHA is the world’s leading source of algae Omega-3 DHA, sustainable and at scale. Discover our algae Omega-3 DHA solutions.
Discover the potential of algae in your aquaculture strategy from the world's leading source of sustainable algae-based Omega-3.
omega-3 supplement made from algae 由水藻制成的ω-3补给品 双语对照 Exxon and shell are both spending money on "second generation" biofuels madefrom algae or waste materials, but these could take years to develop.美孚同壳牌同时出资购买“第二代”生物燃料,这些燃料是从水藻和废物中获得...
Algal Oil Supplement Application Algal oil is an oil from marine algae that is rich in certain omega-3 fatty acids, including docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). People use algal oil for preventing preterm birth. It is al...
Are you interested in learning more about Algae DHA as a pet food application? Our white paper ‘Microalgae as a clean source of long-chain omega-3 fatty acid for pet food‘ explains all you need to know about the different fatty-acid chains and why these are so beneficial for pets....
Structured triglycerides and phospholipidsEnzymatic biotechnologyLipases are a versatile class of enzymes that have aroused great interest in the food and pharmaceutical industries due to their ability to modify and synthesize new lipids for functional foods. Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3 ...
“Omega-3s”are one of those buzzwords that you’ve probably heard thousands of times along your health, wellness and/or fitness journey. If you’ve ever wondered exactly what omega-3 fatty acids are, what the do and how they can help you as an athlete, read on!
Omega-3 active DHA: health and well-being The importance of omega-3 fatty acids is now generally recognised. Omega-3 has a positive impact on the regulation of blood lipids, i.e. cholesterol: 4g per day of active omega-3 lowers blood cholesterol by up to 40%. ...
(docosahexaenoic acid) assessing 6 impact categoriesOmega-3 DHA from algae has 30–40% lower impact on climate change than fish oil.Sugarcane cultivation has the largest contribution for most impact categories.Most sensitive parameters are sugar to omega-3 conversion yield and sugarcane yield.The ...
We have completed a fullLife Cycle Assessment (LCA)for the AlgaPrime™ DHA portfolio which demonstrated that Omega-3s from AlgaPrime™ DHA have lower carbon footprint compared to traditional Omega-3s sources of fish oil. OurLife Cycle Assessment (LCA)is ISO 14040/44-complaint and was peer...