Step-by-Step Solution:1. Understanding the Question: The question asks for the similarities between fungi and algae. Both belong to different kingdoms in the biological classification system, but they may share
In a number of algae and fungi, sexual reproduction, including the induction of sexuality, the meeting of gametes, and gamete fusion, have been shown to be coordinated by specialized morphogenetic substances. These substances differ widely in their chemical composition. Among the fungi, substances ...
They may be either prokaryotic (lacking an organized nucleus) and therefore members of the kingdom Monera, or eukaryotic (with an organized nucleus) and therefore members of the kingdom Plantae, constituting with fungi the subkingdom Thallobionta. They differ from the next most advanced group ...
Sexual reproduction may be isogamous, anisogamous or oogamous. Union of gametes may take place in water or within the oogonium (oogarnous species). The gametes are pyriform (pear-shaped) and bear two laterally attached flagella. The common forms are Ectocarpus, Dictyota, Laminaria, Sargassum ...
The "algae" comprise an assemblage of plantlike organisms that are found in one prokaryotic and several eukaryotic evolutionary lineages. Physiologically, oxygen-evolving photosynthesis unifies the algal lineages, separating them from protozoa or fungi. Taxonomically, algae are in an artificial group ...
Discuss the differences and similarities between bacteria and fungi. Include a comparison of size, cell type, reproduction, mode of deriving food, and good versus bad effects on other organisms and the environment. Be sure to give specific examples of goo How do the b...
gastropods who often feed on corticioid fungi. Their excrements contain viable cells of algae and fungi who give rise to new alcobiotic coating shortly after. This type of reproduction is similar to lichen“isidia“ (i.e., specific lichen thallus structures used in vegetative reproduction). ...
Lichen is a symbiotic association between algae and fungi in terrestrial habitats. The presence of lichen could indicate the pollution status of the environment. Algae are used in different industries. For instance, kelps (brown macroscopic algae) are harvested, dried, and processed for the ...
7. The novel functions and increased size brought about by obligate multicellularity has allowed the colonization of new environments, shaping several of the major branches of the tree of life including algae (green, red and brown), plants, animals and fungi1,3,6,7,8. While multicellularity ...
"Sexual reproduction helps speed up evolution and may allow some algae to adapt quickly enough to tolerate the rise in sea surface temperature. This could be a natural 'golden ticket' that allows some corals to survive a bleaching event," she says. ...