Variations to This Easy Alfredo Sauce Recipe This traditional Alfredo sauce is so simple — chances are you already have all the ingredients on hand. If you want to change it up a little bit, we’ve got a few tasty flavor variations for you. Spicy: Add a pinch or two of cayenne pepp...
Add just one more with buttered breadcrumbs for topping. Recipe: The Best Casserole Dishes to Delight Dinner Guests Continue to 7 of 8 below. 07 of 08 Chicken Florentine The Spruce / Diana Rattray Frozen chopped spinach adds color and flavor to Alfredo sauce and chicken in Chicken ...
Be sure to taste the Parmesan cheese before seasoning the sauce with salt, as it can be pretty salty. If using other cheeses like Pecorino Romano, Asiago, or Grana Padano, remember that they also have different salt levels, so adjust the seasoning accordingly. Variations: Add cooked vegetables...
This sauce can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks. Just make sure to bring it back to room temperature before serving.Experiment with different types of peppers and spices to create unique variations of this truffle hot sauce. The possibil...
ive added different spices, made it more garlicky, or more italian, or more cheesy. i make this like twice a week no lie. i usually make it for myself or two people, so i’ll halve the recipe and save the extra sauce to make more pasta later on in the week. this recipe makes ...
Raise your hand if you love a good, rich (yet extremely fattening) Alfredo sauce? I have both hands up right now! This is one of my favorite dishes to order at a restaurant but I always feel a little regret afterwards because of the heaviness of the dish. ...