Alfred the Great 阿尔弗雷德大帝 Alfred the Great (r. 871-899 CE) was the king of Wessex in Britain but came to be known as King of the Anglo-Saxons after his military victories over Viking adversaries and later successful negotiations with them. He is the best-known Anglo-Saxon king in...
Alfred the Great, King of Wessex: Much of Classical Western Thought, Ideals, and Traditions Which Provided a Guidepost for Centuries-Was Initiated and Propagated by One Man, King Alfred the GreatIt is a fact beyond dispute that America's greatness is rooted deeply in the history of......
Alfred the Great was a king of Wessex (威塞克斯) ,one of the seven Anglo-Saxon kingdoms. It was he who led the Anglo-Saxon to fight against the invading Danes and maintained peace for a long time. Alfred was not only a brave king at wartime, but also a wise king at peacetime. He ...
Alfred the Great was the King of___.Alfred the Great was the King of__. A. Susssex B. Essex C. Wessex D. Mercia 答案: C 涉及知识点:英国国家概况©2022 Baidu |由 百度智能云 提供计算服务 | 使用百度前必读 | 文库协议 | 网站地图 | 百度营销 ...
Alfred the Great阿尔弗雷德大帝 •AlfredtheGreat(849–26October899)wasKingof Wessex(韦塞克斯)from871to899 第一页,共12页。mainachievements:AlfredsuccessfullydefendedhiskingdomagainsttheVikingat(北欧海盗)temptatconquest,andbythetimeofhisdeathhadbecomethedominantrulerinEngland.HeistheonlyEnglishmonarch(君主...
Alfred was a king of Wessex. He defeated the Danes and reached a friendly agreement with them in 879. The Danes gained control of the north and east, while he ruled the rest. He also converted some leading Danes into Christians.He founded a strong fleet and is known as “ ...
Noun1.Alfred the Great- king of Wessex; defeated the Vikings and encouraged writing in English (849-899) Alfred Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to thi...
The meaning of ALFRED is 849—899 the Great king of Wessex (871—899).
英文: Alfred was a king of Wessex.中文: 阿尔弗雷德是威塞克斯的国王。英文: Alfred Roberts was not poor.中文: 罗伯茨并不穷。英文: Alfred has done a stretch in Chelmsford Prison.中文: 艾乐弗雷德已在切姆斯福特监狱服过刑。英文: On going around with the boys, I gue .said Alfred.中文: “...