Alfred, also known as Alfred the great, was considered one of the best kings to rule in medieval times. During his life, he achieved many objectives, including fending off Danes, Vikings, and starting important events. Alfred was born in 849 in Wantage, Oxfordshire, SC England, UK. He was...
Back in England, Balcon assigned Hitch to direct a film version of the Marie Belloc-Lowndes thriller, The Lodger. Perhaps owing to the fact it’s the first Hitchcock wrong man film and one of his few stylistically interesting silent projects The Lodger is held in high esteem by critics and...
Also known as: Aelfred, Alfred the Great Written by Dorothy Whitelock Elrington and Bosworth Professor of Anglo-Saxon, University of Cambridge, 1957–69. A leading authority on Anglo-Saxon England. Author ofBeginnings of English Society;editor ofEnglish Historical... ...
“The Promise of May” “Ulysses” (Show more) Show More Top Questions Why is Alfred, Lord Tennyson, important? What was the childhood of Alfred, Lord Tennyson, like? Where was Alfred, Lord Tennyson, educated? Alfred, Lord Tennyson(born August 6, 1809, Somersby, Lincolnshire, England—died...
ALFRED TENNYSON was born at Somersby, near Spilsby, England, August 6, 1810 (given 1809 by some, and January 12, 1810, by others). His father was the Rev. George Clayton Tennyson, LL.D., a Lincolnshire clergyman, who is described as "a tall, striking and imposing man, full of accom...
Septemberhediedsuddenly.TheshocktoTennyson wassevere.Itcameatadepressingtime;threeofhisbrothers,Edward, Charles,andSeptimus,weresufferingfrommentalillness,andthebad receptionofhisownworkaddedtothegloom.Yetitwasinthisperiod thathewrotesomeofhismostcharacteristicwork:“TheTwoVoices” (ofwhichtheoriginaltitle,...