For 40 years, ALFRED SUNG has stayed true to the same vision of timeless, uncomplicated style. Alfred Sung and partners Mimran Group Inc. are leaders in the design, marketing and distribution of apparel, accessories, home fashion and fragrances, synonymo
For 40 years, ALFRED SUNG has stayed true to the same vision of timeless, uncomplicated style. Alfred Sung and partners Mimran Group Inc. are leaders in the design, marketing and distribution of apparel, accessories, home fashion and fragrances, synonymo
For 40 years, ALFRED SUNG has stayed true to the same vision of timeless, uncomplicated style. Alfred Sung and partners Mimran Group Inc. are leaders in the design, marketing and distribution of apparel, accessories, home fashion and fragrances, synonymo
Contact us +1 343 554 0556 Explore About Alfred Sung Watches Wholesale Accounts Email newsletter ©2024 Alfred Sung Watches. Powered by Swell Shipping & Returns Privacy policy Terms & Conditions Contact Us Create account...
For 40 years, ALFRED SUNG has stayed true to the same vision of timeless, uncomplicated style. Alfred Sung and partners Mimran Group Inc. are leaders in the design, marketing and distribution of apparel, accessories, home fashion and fragrances, synonymo
For 40 years, ALFRED SUNG has stayed true to the same vision of timeless, uncomplicated style. Alfred Sung and partners Mimran Group Inc. are leaders in the design, marketing and distribution of apparel, accessories, home fashion and fragrances, synonymo
Alfred Sung· StyleD650 ·Chiffon knit This is a carousel of product images. Use Tab to navigate to the next image and use Enter for a zoomed in view. ‹ › Contact Stylist Save to Showroom DETAILS & CARE Cocktail length strapless chiffon knit dress with draped detail at bodice. Shirre...
Alfred Sung,原名Sung Wang Moon,是沈殿霞的弟弟,是一位在加拿大享有盛名的华裔设计师,尤其在时装和香水领域成就斐然。👗时装设计师的生涯 Sung出生于1948年6月14日,在中国上海长大,后前往香港。他在法国巴黎高级时装协会(Chambre Syndicale de la Couture Parisienne)学习时装设计,之后前往纽约的帕森斯设计学院深造。
沈云门Alfred Sung 品牌信息 英文名: Alfred Sung 中文名: 沈云门 官网: 地区: 加拿大 创建年代: 1980 创建人: 沈云门 (Alfred Sung) 、Saul Mirnran、Joseph Mirnran 更多>>品牌介绍 华裔设计师沈云门 (Alfred Sung) 是加拿大设计师,其设计的香水、婚纱和腕表尤为出名。沈云门 (Alfred Sung) 被称为加拿大...