Related to Alfred of Wessex:King Alfred Alfred the Great (ˈælfrɪd) n (Biography) 849–99, king of Wessex (871–99) and overlord of England, who defeated the Danes and encouraged learning and writing in English Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014...
Cookies Notification This site uses cookies. By continuing to browse the site you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Find out more.Search Advanced and citation search Within current journal Entire site Home > List of Issues > Table Of Contents > Wessex and England from Alfred to Edgar ...
This paper first situates King Alfred in Winchester, in Wessex, in Anglo-Saxon England, and in the Christendom of the ninth century. Attention is drawn to Alfred's education, which included experience of court life in Wessex, Rome and Francia. The paper argues that Alfred prioritised ...
Alfred was now King of Wessex, but he was still unable to stop the Viking menace. After his defeat in the Battle of Wilton, at the end of AD 871, he decided he must sue for peace. A large payment persuaded the Vikings to retreat to York for the next four years; but, in the long...
AmapoftheroutetakenbytheGreatHeathenArmythatarrivedinEnglandin865.继承王位(继承了他第三个兄长的王位,为以后的叔侄关系埋下了隐患)兄终弟及的继承制度 InApril871,KingÆthelreddied,andAlfredsucceededtothethroneofWessexandtheburdenofitsdefence,despitethefactthatÆthelredlefttwounder-agesons.Giventhe...
Alfred was a king of Wessex. He defeated the Danes and reached a friendly agreement with them in 879. The Danes gained control of the north and east, while he ruled the rest. He also converted some leading Danes into Christians.He founded a strong fleet and is known as “ ...
By 870 the Danes had overthrown the kingdoms of East Anglia, Northumbria, and Mercia, and were preparing to do the same to Wessex. Standing in their way was a young king of Wessex, Alfred by name. At first, the fight went badly for Alfred; some of his allies found it more expedient ...
Alfred the Greatwas Anglo-Saxon, the King of Wessex, England, from 871 to 899. He lived and reigned during theVikingperiod and played a key role in making peace between the Anglo-Saxons and the invading Danes. See the fact file below for more information on the Alfred the Great or alt...
Alfred the Great secured Wessex, achieved dominance over western Mercia, and assumed the title "King of the English". 阿尔弗雷德大帝巩固了威塞克斯的政权,统治了西部的麦西亚,并宣称为“英格兰人的国王”(King of the English)。 WikiMatrix By this time, Ecbert was dead, and King Alfred the ...
Alfred's victories on the battlefield and his sweeping administrative innovations not only preserved his native Wessex from viking conquest, but began the process of political consolidation that would culminate in the creation of the kingdom of England. strips away the varnish of later interpretations...