彩色版希区柯克剧场(..之前在吧里发过115网盘的。不过由于115下载太麻烦,所以这次上传到百度盘。供大家分享。希望快点有高人能翻译成中文。好能真正的欣赏这部佳作!h#t#t#p#s://p#a#n.b#a#i#d#u.c#o#m/s/1gCyxSeX_ywjSrcQ__XMz6g提#取#码: 9ixd
剧情简介: 卡尔在外工作时,他的妻子艾尔莎在他们停放拖车的家中遭到一名闯入者的袭击。在向警方报案并与医生交谈后,卡尔决定带艾尔莎去度假。开车经过城里时,爱莎指出袭击她的是一名男子,愤怒的卡尔跟踪该男子并在旅馆房间里杀死了他。但是过了一会儿,艾尔莎指认了另一个男人是她的袭击者……...
第23集 人情味 "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" Human Interest Story第23集 >去 人情味
CBS Suspense, Drama TV-14 Watchlist Where to Watch Alfred Hitchcock, the Master of Suspense hosts his own television show. Hitchcock introduced the show, which was then followed by a short half an hour episode which contained suspense, horror, and humor. After the story, Hitchcock would come ...
Become a member to see contact information for Alfred Hitchcock Presents. Try IMDbPro Premium for free Cast Filmmakers Images Videos Details Episodes Companies News Cast + Add Cast 50 cast members NameEpisodesKnown for Alfred Hitchcock Self - Host / Alfred the Stand-In / Alfred's Brother / Man...
又 名希区柯克剧场 "Alfred Hitchcock... 主 演阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克Harry Tyler约翰·威廉姆斯Arthur Gould-PorterPatricia Hitchcock 剧情 悬念大师希区柯克的成就并不只有电影,他对美国的电视业也同样大有贡献。 由他本人担任主持的电视系列剧译名《希区柯克剧场》(Alfred Hitchcock Presents),于1955年到1962年期间...
The article intends to make the case for the unacknowledged influence of the work of Edgar Allen Poe on an episode of the anthology television show Alfred Hitchcock Presents (1955–62). It mentions that Hitchcock expands upon the television series "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" examination of ...
简介 Matt Thompson is bludgeoned to death with a pipe wrench and suspicion immediately falls on 59 year-old Phil Canby. The wrench belonged to Canby and he was there that evening fixing a leaky sink. The real problem however is that Canby is in love with Thompson's 19 year-old daughter...
Carpius owns antique shop in Cyprus and is quite excited to hear that a local monastery may be in possession of a very valuable icon. Knowing that a client would pay a fortune for it, he arranges to visit the monastery to steal the icon. During the robbery, Carpius kills a praying mon...
"Alfred Hitchcock Presents" Deathmate (TV Episode 1987) - Official sites, and other sites with posters, videos, photos and more.